Utilizamos cookies propias para mejorar su experiencia y nuestros servicios en este sitio web. Al navegar por el sitio usted acepta su uso. Para saber más sobre el uso de cookies, haga clic en “Ver más”.
Cookies are small text files placed by the websites that the User visits and stored on the device used to access the Internet (such as the computer or mobile phone) through their browser.
These files allow websites to store information about the visit to facilitate subsequent visits, maintaining the actions and preferences of the User for a certain period of time.
This website of Caixa de Crédito de Leiria uses essential cookies for its operation, whose use is active by default and is not optional.
For more information, please consult the Cookie Policy or the Data Protection Policy
Em caso de litígio o consumidor pode recorrer a um Centro de Resolução de Litígios de consumo:
Para atualizações e mais informações, consulte o Portal do Consumidor em www.consumidor.pt (ao abrigo do artigo 18.º da Lei n.º 144/2015, de 8 de Setembro)
Utilizamos cookies propias para mejorar su experiencia y nuestros servicios en este sitio web. Al navegar por el sitio usted acepta su uso. Para saber más sobre el uso de cookies, haga clic en “Ver más”.
Cookies are small text files placed by the websites that the User visits and stored on the device used to access the Internet (such as the computer or mobile phone) through their browser.
These files allow websites to store information about the visit to facilitate subsequent visits, maintaining the actions and preferences of the User for a certain period of time.
This website of Caixa de Crédito de Leiria uses essential cookies for its operation, whose use is active by default and is not optional.
For more information, please consult the Cookie Policy or the Data Protection Policy